Olivier Deshayes is professor of Private Maw at Paris Nanterre university. He is co-director of the CEDCACE (center for study on business civil law and economic litigation).
Thomas Genicon is a professor at Panthéon-Assas University (Paris II) where he mainly teaches civil law. His research focuses specifically on contract law and more generally on the law of obligations. He was a visiting professor at the University of Padua and the University of Brescia (Italy). Member of the National Council of Universities and of several research groups, he thus participated in the group which drafted the Latin American Principles of Contract Law. He is a member of the legal sociology laboratory at Panthéon-Assas University (Paris II).
Michel Séjean is a graduate of the Higher Institute of Interpretation and Translation (ISIT Paris) and holds a Ph.D. in Law. He is a Professor at the Université Bretagne Sud. He is the Editor-in-Chief of the Henri Capitant Law Review and a member of the Paris MENA Legal Club Scientific Board.
Yves-Marie Laithier is a professor at the Sorbonne Law School of (Paris I) where he teaches civil law and directs the master’s in comparative law. He is the author of numerous publications on the law of obligations and has co-written with O. Deshayes and T. Genicon a book relating to the reform of contract law, the general regime and proof of obligations (2nd ed., LexisNexis, 2018).
Stéphane Gerry-Vernières is a professor of private law and criminal sciences at the University of Grenoble Alpes. She teaches private law subjects mainly contract law, special contract law, business contract law and capital markets law. Her main research focuses on the sources of law. Interested in a sociological approach to law, she’s recently been working on issues related to soft law and the practice of legal actors. A research report on the Barémisation de la justice was recently published under her scientific direction.
Laurent Leveneur est professeur agrégé de droit (1989, major) à l’Université Panthéon-Assas (Paris II) depuis 1992. Il est vice-président du conseil académique, directeur du Laboratoire de droit civil ainsi que du Master de droit privé général et du Master droit des assurances (en formation continue) de l’Université Paris II. Il a, par le passé, été responsable de l’action internationale dans la zone Asie, membre du conseil d’administration et président du département de droit privé de cette université. Il est l’auteur d’un grand nombre de publications en droit civil. En particulier, il assure la direction scientifique des annotations annuelles du Code civil et du Code de la consommation (Litec-Lexisnexis).
Jonas Knetsch is a professor at the University of Lyon (Jean Monnet Faculty of Law, Saint-Étienne) and a member of the Centre de Recherches Critiques sur le Droit. He has published extensively in civil liability and insurance law as well as on private international and comparative law. As an elected member of the International Academy of Comparative Law, he was the national reporter during the XXth General Congress of Comparative Law in Fukuoka (Japan) on medical liability. He is also a fellow of the European Centre of Tort and Insurance law (ECTIL) in Vienna. Lately, he has conducted research projects on civil liability and insurance law issues related to autonomous vehicles and on the interplay between French social security, private insurance and civil liability compensation.
Jérôme Huet is the author of a thesis titled “Contractual and civil liability: an attempt to delimit between two orders of responsibility” defended in 1979 at Panthéon-Assas University (Paris II). He has been a professor at the University of Rouen, at Paris Descartes University, at Panthéon-Assas University (Paris II), at La Réunion University and at Tulane University (United States). He’s been a member of the working group "Principles of European Contract Law (fr)" on the development of a European Civil Code of Obligations since 2002, and a research director at the 'Institut de la Chambre de commerce internationale, since 1994. In 2015, he retired and became professor emeritus at the University of Paris II. He is the author of numerous articles and notes on civil liability, contract law, computer law and copyright law
Jean-Baptiste Seube is a professor at the Faculty of Law and Economics of La Réunion. He is the honorary dean and directs the master’s degree in business law at that same faculty. In addition to numerous periodic chronicles, he has published several commentaries on contract law, property law and securities law. He regularly works in countries of the southwest Indian Ocean such as Madagascar, the Islamic Republic of the Comoros and Mauritius. He published several books there, supervised theses and initiated law programs.
Hervé Lécuyer is a professor at Panthéon-Assas University (Paris II). He mainly teaches civil law and insurance law. For three years he was a delegate at Saint Joseph University in Beirut where he directed the Centre d'études des droits du monde arabe.